About Us

How would you liken yourself?

I’d say my biggest strength is my resourcefulness, and that I’m also smart and hardworking. I’d like to think that I am charismatic too, but–eh, that might always be a work in progress.

What is your favorite movie?

Good Will Hunting

What is your greatest accomplishment?

Saving my younger brother Christian’s life by inspiring a natural, holistic and alternative approach to cancer.

When I say this, many people assume it is because of the gravity or seriousness of it. That’s only partially true. 

I also consider it my greatest accomplishment because I know how much time, energy and effort it took, how much research and tenacity went into it, and how much we implemented that didn’t necessarily work. It took an incredible level of effort that I am extremely proud of. 

What is your favorite aspect of holistic and naturopathic approaches to cancer?

To me, it’s ultimately about empowerment.

Growing up, I felt that as a society, we’re told that cancer is something that happens to you and that there is nothing you can do about it–that the best and only thing you can do is what your doctor tells you and hope for the best. Now I know this to be a dangerous lie. 

What excites you about working with people facing cancer?

I think the coolest people in life aren’t the ones that come off as perfect, without ailments or handicaps. Everybody has imperfections, fears and insecurities.

To me, the coolest people are those that can acknowledge their limitations but ensure to live an amazing life anyway. There is something so beautiful and so human about it.

Why should someone going through cancer listen to you and follow the GoingWell Protocol?

I’m not an expert and I don’t pretend to know everything. 

The protocol is simply the result of our thousands of hours of research and represents the best, most powerful “no brainer” approaches that can be done conveniently and relatively affordably. It includes a handful of the most popular healing approaches employed by people taking an alternative or integrative approach.

The GoingWell Protocol is only meant to get one started, to give them some early success, encouragement, and ultimately leave them empowered to continue to take control of their health and carve a path unique to them.

Guiding Principles & Our Approach

First Do No Harm

The body innately knows how to heal. We just need to assist it.

Take Bold Action

If our healing approaches do little harm (first principle), we are now free to consider many of them.

If it's low risk and low cost, why not?

Healing, then, becomes a journey not of "what to do" per se, but about how much we can do.

Remember the Goal

When facing cancer, we believe our goals should be to do the following:

(1) maximize the chance of a good outcome,
(2) minimize side effects of treatment (i.e. improve quality of life), and
(3) minimize cost and disruption to one's life.

Sounds obvious, right?

We keep it this simple.

Be very sure of an irreversible medical decision


These can be tough decisions for many folks.

We advocate for exhausting less invasive options before making irreversible medical decisions. We believe in at least trying.

Every situation is different--and please listen to your doctor--but speaking generally, we believe that most people underestimate the power of a comprehensive naturopathic approach and find a false sense of comfort in treatment approaches that can leave one's body ravaged.

Maximize Convenience & Minimize Life Disruption

The more someone with cancer can do at home, the more they will be able to do and in greater dose.

Each consultation, appointment, and lab draw come at the cost of what one could otherwise be doing.

Instead, by bringing as much into the home as possible, one can thrive through cancer. They are able to find the odd hours of the day to invest in their health and healing.

GoingWell's Goals

We have listed our Goals and KPIs for GoingWell publicly so you can follow along! Check them out here.

Help Others

We ask that all of our clients give back by keeping their progress updated every few months on our Client Results page.

In 1-2 paragraphs, we ask that you share the following:

First Name or Alias (Blinded Basis)
Diagnosis & Stage
How closely have you adhered to each aspect of the GoingWell protocol?
What other changes have you consciously made that could be contributing to your results?
What results are you seeing so far?
3 month follow up note
Any other comments

GoingWell FAQ

What is GoingWell?

GoingWell is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit dedicated to helping people facing a cancer diagnosis find, learn about, and implement natural and integrative approaches to healing.

What exactly does GoingWell offer?

We offer the GoingWell Get Started Protocol and Package.

This contains some of the best, most powerful cancer healing options for anyone getting started on this a naturopathic or integrative path.

Included in the purchase/protocol:
High dose vitamin C infusions - 12 sessions
Mistletoe injections - 3 month supply
Therasage360 Portable Infrared Sauna
Fasting Protocol
Nutrition Protocol
Grounding - 2 sets of fitted grounding sheets & 1 pillowcase
Lifewave X39 Stem Cell Patches - 3 months supply

** Personalized support to ramp you up to speed and help you find practitioners local to you.

Can I use the GoingWell protocol if I am in or have finished treatment?

We created the protocol to be an introduction to the world of integrative medicine.

Whether just diagnosed or further along the cancer path, this is perfect for anyone thinking about integrative medicine for the first time.

For those currently in treatment, we recommend starting slowly. The majority of the protocol can be done alongside treatment--to the extent that you are feeling up for it and are able to manage. Taken alone, the protocol comes with almost no side effects.

Remember that we are not doctors. We urge you to make all medical decisions for yourself, thoughtfully and carefully. Ultimately it is your decision as to what you can or cannot handle.

Does GoingWell offer medical advice?

GoingWell does not offer medical advice. We are a nonprofessional organization.

As part of the protocol, we help you find High Dose Vitamin C and Mistletoe Therapy from a doctor near you. Those professionals can offer professional medical advice.

What if I can't afford to purchase the package and protocol?

If you want to implement the protocol but can't afford it, we encourage you to be as creative as possible--finances may always come and go but your medical decisions can be irreversible!

We hope to be able to provide more financing support in the future.

In the meantime, be creative! Feel free to pitch on us on an idea to help get you funding by emailing us at team@goingwell.org.

In the past, we helped clients fundraise from their own network, which could be done over Zoom.

Or if you'd rather not fundraise from your own network (understandably), we may consider granting you a complimentary Care Package in exchange for a Promise of Future Fundraising. This may be an interesting way for you to get the help you need today and be able to give back to the next client by fundraising on GoingWell's behalf.

Or perhaps you know someone who donates a lot of money to certain causes, potentially even cancer-related causes. You might not feel comfortable reaching out to them on your own behalf, but perhaps you provide GoingWell with a warm introduction. Then we'd in a better position to help your cause!

These are rough suggestions. Consider your own situation, and know that if there is a way that GoingWell can be a part of helping you obtain the financing you need, we'd love to hear from you.