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Danielle Wotherspoon - Breast Cancer

Danielle Wotherspoon - Breast Cancer

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Story (short-version): I am a breast cancer survivor, yet I did not undergo any chemotherapy or radiation. It has been 15 years since I was diagnosed with breast cancer and metastasis into a lymph node under my arm. I discovered the lump in my breast in January 2008.

I decided against conventional treatment because of the side effects from chemo and radiation. Chemo and radiation attack all the cells in the body, not just the cancer cells, and leave you with a weakened immune system. The side effects can last up to 2 years, which reduces one’s chances of living a normal life. My son was only 14 then and I was determined to be actively involved in his upbringing.

I want to share with others that "You do have options." This has stirred me to write a book and start a blog. You can heal of cancer through natural and alternate ways. These ways will also strengthen the immune system at the same time. You can be healing from cancer and still living a normal energetic life.

The breast cancer has not returned or spread in the past 15 years. The lump under my arm has completely disappeared. After the diagnosis followed an important period of self-refection and searching for answers. I learned that on our journey here on earth we must take care of body, mind and spirit to experience a healthy body. Our cells are influenced by our emotions and thoughts and not just the treatments we undergo and food that we eat.

I continued with all my normal activities while using alternate and natural methods to heal my body. In fact, I experienced an increase in energy as the months went by. Eight months after being diagnosed, I felt so well that I went on holiday abroad in Spain and the UK. I also experienced the added benefit of the eczema all over my body, which I was plagued with since childhood, completely clearing up.

What You'll Get
Personalized guidance in a video from Danielle on how to consider all the healing paths at the patient's disposal. She is also open to emails on any key questions the patient has after the video and offers follow-up sessions.

You'll also receive a copy of Danielle's book, "Cancer Healed Naturally. My journey from breast cancer to vibrant health."

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