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Janelle Marion - Triple Negative Breast Cancer

Janelle Marion - Triple Negative Breast Cancer

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Story (in Janelle's words): found a lump during an at home breast self-exam in August of 2021. Following a diagnostic mammogram and ultrasound, I was told that it was nothing more than a complex cyst and to come back in 6 months to reevaluate. Having recently lost a friend my same age, who was told the exact same thing, this did not settle well with me. My intuition told me that it was more and I advocated, pushing for a biopsy for clarity. At the biopsy, the attending physician walked in and said it was a cyst and they'd be able to aspirate it with a needle. When they tried and it did not work, they brought in core biopsy machine and extracted 4 core samples of tissue. With that, I was initially diagnosed in October of 2021 with grade 3, Triple Negative Breast Cancer and at the time, they believed it to be late stage 1 or early stage 2 due to palpable size and rate of growth (Ki67 of 90% and being a grade 3 tumor). Breast MRI confirmed this and also identified a suspicious spot in my opposite breast.

My medical oncologist wanted me to begin with 4 different kinds of chemotherapy, as well as an immunotherapy. I wanted to know definitively what we were treating and opted for surgery first to determine true pathological staging. In December of 2021, I had a bilateral mastectomy and it was determined pathologically that the tumor in my right breast was in fact a stage 1a TNBC. The suspicious spot in my left breast was pathologically benign. These findings took immunotherapy and one of the chemotherapies off the list of standard of care conventional treatment. Surgical margins and lymph nodes were clear (2 being removed) and radiation was no longer recommended because of this. Surgery was the only conventional treatment I opted for. I declined chemotherapy recommendations as at that time, per my oncologist, they only reduce risk of recurrence by 50%, ultimately changing my individual rate rate by 5-7.5%. This was an informed decision that we made as a family, as quality of life was very important to me and known risks felt like they outweighed potential benefits of chemotherapeutic treatments. We dug deep to uncover misalignments and root causes and THAT is where we got to work! Shortly after my diagnosis, I began healing with reiki sessions, releasing suppressed emotions, shamanic healing, juicing, meditation and letting go of traumas of the past. After surgery, I continued with a whole food plant based diet, juicing, emotional work, increasing positive emotions, deepening spiritual connection through meditation and finding joy in every day. Once I was recovered from surgery, I increased movement and exercise. I have been NED since surgery and remain grateful for each day that I am blessed to be here with my husband and our 2 young children!

What You'll Get
A personalized empowering and encouraging message to invite curiosity into your care as you explore your own unique path for healing. While being a Registered Nurse gives me a greater understanding of dis-ease processes in the physical body from a conventional medical perspective, it is my work as a Certified Radical Remission Health Coach and Registered Yoga Teacher that allows me to offer a peaceful and grounded perspective to welcome breath, balance and alignment to the *whole* being (mind, body and spirit). While I in no way offer medical advice, I have been praised for my ability to listen intently and hold space for healing. Every video will also include a recorded 30-minute restorative yoga nidra session to welcome in deep relaxation any time you need to revisit it.

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