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Lisa Tarantino - Endometrial Cancer

Lisa Tarantino - Endometrial Cancer

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Story (short-version):

Lisa is a Stage 3C Endometrial Cancer Thriver. When she was unable to finish her SOC (standard of care, including 6 surgeries and 6 months of aggressive chemo treatment), because of her compromised immune system, Lisa was told by her oncologist to go home and live her life. Lisa found this response daunting and unrealistic. As a positive, proactive minded survivor, Lisa knew at that point that she had to take her own health, immune system, and life back into her own hands! You see, Lisa always knew that the body had an amazing God-given capacity to heal itself. She also knew that changing her eating and lifestyle habits would be a game-changer for her. For the past 6 years, Lisa has been researching, training, studying and coaching cancer patients all over the world.

As a Certified Functional Nutrition Coach, Certified Radical Remission Coach, & Transformation Coach, Lisa prides herself on helping to guide cancer patients and their loved ones to achieve a path to healing. Her passion for helping people with cancer, along with her empathetic heart, has been described by her patients as a winning combination to teach and guide people into becoming Cancer Thrivers. Her motto is “Take your life back after cancer!”

Lisa’s healing story began with nutrition. She dove right into a whole foods plant-based diet, incorporating all the anti-cancer foods. She immediately felt a difference of in her energy, immune system, and overall health. Lisa created a healing team, including a traditional Chinese medical doctor, who helped her learn about the healing benefits of medicinal herbs. Lisa also created a strong community of other survivors through her cancer support group which owns a big part of her heart. Lisa is often heard saying, “Each day, I ask God to put somebody in my path with cancer, to love on and support.” Through helping others, Lisa found so many healing benefits. From early on, Lisa, instinctively incorporated the 10 healing factors.of Radical Remission into her life. Lisa has been cancer free since her diagnosis in 2017, and considers herself a cancer thriver!

What You'll Get
Patients can expect a personal or live video sharing her healing story and personal tenets of healing. You will also receive from Lisa:

  • A comprehensive Functional Nutrition intake form to be reviewed before your personal video.
  • A 5 day Functional Food Journal form to be analyzed and reviewed by Lisa prior to your video.
  • Guidance of the 10 Healing Factors of Radical Remission & an individualized game plan.
  • Review of recent labs to help incorporate tools to boost your immune system.
  • A Functional Nutrition plan.
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